This underwhelming gun has bumpy recoil, low ammo count and few attachments to make it better. A prime example being the HK-10 light machine gun. You’ll lose gunfight after gunfight using this ancient weapon with no benefits. It has high recoil and low damage: A deadly mix that no player enjoys. No matter what Call Of Duty game you’re playing the Dragunov does you no favors. Even with its quirk of increased fire rate over time, the patch’s damage had been done. Once word got out about its outlandish fire rate and time to kill, the BAL was patched within a month. Next, we jump into the future! Advanced Warfare’s BAL 27 was a quick fan favorite at launch. After the awesome weapons offered in MW2, Black Ops felt lackluster in comparison. Like the Grau 5.56, it was nerfed, but not forgotten. This deadly sidearm became a primary thanks to its kill range, and high damage snake shot ammunition. Easily the most popular submachine gun, the UMP has a quick time to kill and can be enjoyed akimbo! Normally that means less control with your aim, but it works surprisingly well.too well… Modern Warfare was also responsible for the snake shot. Going back to MW2, the UMP45 is a nasty submachine gun from a time where patches happened less often.

That being said, it’s still a very popular choice for Warzone players. Reminiscent of the ARC from MW2, the Grau was eventually patched in numerous ways. It was steady, deadly, and could pick people off from several meters away. For a while, this gun was the king of Warzone. Next up is the Grau 5.56 from 2019’s Modern Warfare. The range was low, the ammo count was weak, and dual-wielding them did nothing to help. The HS-10 shotgun from Black Ops 1 seems like a fun addition to the gun roster, but aside from its flashy looks, the HS-10 was barely functional.

Here’s our list of the most broken guns from Call Of Duty 4 to 2019s Modern Warfare. As time goes on, developers are quick to hear the Call Of Duty community’s outcry for guns that need fixing, but this wasn’t always the case, especially in the series’ heyday. While we look back on some of them with rose-tinted glasses, others we wish we could forget. Guns that are way too powerful that require patches to fix, or guns that are so weak and flawed that we wonder why it was added into the game at all. Let's take a look at some of the series shining examples.Ĭall of Duty has a history of broken guns throughout the years. Call of Duty has a long history of imbalanced, infamous guns that tarnish the multiplayer experience.