How to Highlight in Powerpoint Using Microsoft Word Similar to how you pasted in Step 4, you are going to paste, while keeping the format the same. When you are in powerpoint, you are going to re-highlight the text you want to be highlighted. When your words are highlighted, you will copy the text and open Powerpoint.

You will click on it, and it will automatically highlight your words. When your information is pasted onto the Word document, you want to highlight your text, then in the Home tab, you will find the highlighting tool.

When you hover over the icons of the “Paste Options”, you will be able to see which option, which is circled, will keep your text in the same format. With both ways, you can keep the format, so when you go to copy again and paste into Powerpoint you do not have to worry about changing it. Similar to copy, you can either press CTRL and v to paste or right click and paste. Once you have your information copied, you are going to open Microsoft Word and paste the text into the word document. You can do it in two ways, you can press the CTRL (control) button and c or you could right click on the mouse and press copy, as shown below. Once you have selected the word, sentence, or phrase you want to be highlighted, you are going to copy it. For example, I will highlight the second sentence. Once you have your information on the slide, you are going to select what you want to be highlighted. The first way we are going to show you how to highlight will also involve using Microsoft Word. If you have the 2013 version of PowerPoint, then you will have noticed that there is no option to highlight text.

How to Highlighting Text on PowerPoint 2013